Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2011. Make it Happen!

Hiatus is over.

New Year. New Resolution?

No. Change is needed.

Backtrack... I've had my share or pain and joy last year.

As what my colleague said. Make it happen in two-oh-eleven..

First on the list, the finances. So far so good. I'm getting there..
Next, change.. Promotion? Transfer?
Third, health. (hate to admit but i ain't getting younger..) I need to make healthier choices.

I missed this blog.. *sigh

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


We came into an agreement. It was unfair to begin with. I understand. But it doesn't mean that It has to be unfair all the time. I know what I give and I know what I deserve.


They say that good things come to those who wait...

I will wait though I don't know if I will get something out of it.

Goodbye Summer

The long awaited season will soon be over.

I say goodbye with regrets that I haven't spend time out in the sun.

Goodbye summer. Goodbye.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Just a thought...

I know it was unfair at the beginning..

There are things that I will never have a chance to experience..

I was just thinking..

How will you compensate for the things that will never be there?

I wonder.

Monday, December 29, 2008


She is tired.

She has been suppressing negative feelings for such a long time. She refuses to show her vulnerable sides. Its starting to eat her...

She wants isolation.

To be alone.

To be by herself.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Truth is.

She is scared to believe.

scared of herself.

afraid to get hurt.

afraid to confront what she feels.

into deep

She was into deep before she realized.

she continues to sink.

Something is pulling her down

she doesn't know why but she feels good.

It scares her.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

she is happy

For some unknown reason..

she is happy and contented.

She does wonder why but would rather enjoy the feeling than overthink..

one day at a time.

one day at a time.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

She didn't see it coming... again.

Traumatized by the past events...

She does not know when or where it started.
She's still in shock.
She does not know what to think or feel right now.

She going to the state of limbo...